Transform the industrial workplace through connected safety Technology

Keep your workforce safe and projects productive.

Get Ahead of Projects with Predictive Analytics

Transform jobsite data into actionable insights with our custom project dashboard. Flag high-risk activities, use AI-based predictive analytics, and accurately forecast and validate reports. Improve progress tracking to meet deadlines and unlock real-time insights, alerts, and analytics across all projects for efficient management.

EHS Upskill 1000 1100 v03
EHS Emergency 1000 x 700 v70

Unlock Predictive Analytics to Improve Productivity and Safety

Let the data speak for itself. Gain real-time insights, alerts, and analytics to rank high-risk activities using our AI-powered algorithm. Optimize resources and compare schedules across projects by leveraging historical data, daily reports, and progress tracking. Achieve accurate risk forecasts with a single source of truth that integrates scheduling, safety, weather, and workforce data to resolve mission-critical risks before they happen.

Our Services

Real-Time Insights and Alerts

Gain actionable insights and alerts to monitor project status and identify high-risk activities using AI-powered analytics.

Resource Optimization

Optimize resources andcompare project schedules with historical data, daily reports, and progress tracking to ensure timely delivery.

Accurate Risk Forecasting

Achieve accurate risk forecasts by integrating scheduling, safety, weather, and workforce data to resolve risks before they occur.

When speed and visibility are vital to the safety of your team.


Real-Time Insights and Alerts

Monitor project status and identify high-risk activities instantly, enabling proactive decision-making with AI-powered analytics.


Resource Optimization

Maximize efficiency by optimizing resources and comparing project schedules using historical data, daily reports, and progress tracking to ensure timely delivery.


Accurate Risk Forecasting

Improve safety and productivity with precise risk forecasts by integrating scheduling, safety, weather, and workforce data to address risks before they impact projects.


Comprehensive Data Integration

Combine various data sources into a single platform, providing a holistic view of project progress and enabling better management and risk mitigation.

EHS Manufactuting 1000 x 700 v46
EHS Emergency 1000 x 700 vA117

Comprehensive Daily Reports for and Workforce Management

Efficiently manage worker certifications, permits, and skills with our comprehensive daily reports. Streamline contractor document handling and verify safety knowledge through integrated questionnaires.

Support online training with assessments and manage onboarding forms seamlessly, ensuring all workers are prepared from day one. Our daily reports provide real-time insights and tracking to ensure compliance and enhance safety on your jobsite.

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