Transforming Workforce Management for Cold Storage: Safety, Efficiency, Compliance Technology

Regular breaks in warm areas can help prevent cold-related illnesses

In the food processing industry, ensuring worker health and safety while maintaining productivity is crucial. Companies must comply with complex regulations like FSMA, NIOSH, ANSI, and Brazil’s NR36. Traditional workforce management methods are often inefficient and error-prone. Our advanced technology solutions using RFID and face recognition integrated with SmartXHUB streamline operations, enhance safety, and boost productivity.

EHS Food 1000 x 700 vA3
EHS Food 1000 x 700 vA112

Manages worker schedules, certifications, and training, ensuring all personnel are qualified and compliant

Our Face Recognition Technology and RFID Door Gateways offer real-time tracking and management of worker activities, enhancing safety, productivity, and efficiency. Workers are authenticated through face recognition or RFID, allowing precise monitoring of entry and exit times. A centralized dashboard, accessible via a smartphone app, provides real-time data on attendance, productivity, and compliance. Integration with PowerBI offers advanced analytics and visualization, enabling detailed reports, trend tracking, and data-driven decisions.

Advanced Technology Solutions for Cold Storage Workforce Management

Our centralized management dashboard, accessible via a smartphone app, provides real-time data on attendance, productivity, and safety compliance. Integrated with PowerBI, it offers advanced analytics and visualization for detailed reports and data-driven decisions. The system ensures compliance with FSMA, NIOSH, ANSI, and Brazil’s NR36, reducing legal risks. It tracks productivity to identify inefficiencies, optimizes performance, and eliminates thousands of pages of manual paperwork through paperless time sheet management. Our face recognition and RFID solutions create a safe, compliant, and efficient workplace, transforming workforce management in cold storage environments.

EHS Food 1000 x 700 vA83

Our Services

RFID and Face Recognition Access Control

Our advanced RFID and face recognition solutions ensure real-time tracking of worker movements and activities, enhancing security and compliance. Strategically placed devices monitor entry and exit times, ensuring only authorized personnel access critical areas.

Integrated Management Dashboard

The SmartXHUB dashboard, accessible via a smartphone app, provides managers with real-time data on attendance productivity, and safety compliance. Integration with PowerBI offers advanced analytics and visualization, enabling data-driven decisions to optimize operations.

Compliance and Productivity Monitoring

Our system maintains detailed records to ensure compliance withFSMA, NIOSH, ANSI, and Brazil’s NR36 regulations. By tracking productivity metrics and automating time sheet management, we streamline administrative processes, reduce errors, and boost overall efficiency.

When speed and visibility are vital to the safety of your team.


RFID-Enabled PPE

Workers are equipped with PPE embedded with RFID tags, allowing real-time tracking of movements and activities. Optimizes workforce deployment, monitors productivity, and responds quickly to issues.


Strategic RFID Readers or Face Recog. Devices

Placed in key facility locations to ensure precise monitoring of entry and exit times and track worker movements within the plant.


Enhanced Safety and Risk Management

 Tracks individual and collective risks, helping prevent accidents and health issues. Manages worker schedules, certifications, and training, ensuring all personnel are qualified and compliant.


Integrated Management Dashboard

A centralized dashboard, accessible via a smartphone app, provides managers with real-time data on worker attendance, productivity, and compliance with safety regulations.

EHS Food 1000 x 700 vA44
EHS Food 1000 x 700 vA13

Transforming Workforce Management and Safety in the Food Processing Industry with RFID and Face Recognition Solutions for Compliance

Our RFID and face recognition solutions integrated with SmartXHUB mark significant advancements in workforce management and safety in the food processing industry. By ensuring compliance with FSMA, NIOSH, ANSI, and Brazil’s NR36 regulations and integrating with HR systems, these technologies enhance worker safety, productivity, and operational efficiency while mitigating legal risks. For more insights into how SmartXHUB can transform your workforce management, visit our website and explore our comprehensive solutions tailored to the unique challenges of the food processing industry.

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